
Microsoft at SIGGRAPH 2016 (Anaheim, CA) by Mohammad Jalloul

This year’s SIGGRAPH 2016 Conference that took place July 24-28 in Anaheim, CA at the Anaheim Convention Center marked the return of Microsoft as an exhibitor. The return was carefully aligned with the official public preview announcement of GPU support...


Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta – My First Impressions by Mohammad Jalloul

Now that I’ve playing with the Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta since Dec 30th, I think it is about time for me to provide a summary of my first impressions. So here’s the short summary: Given the messy start of Halo: The Master Chief Collection...


The Illustrated Guide to Creating a Simple CentOS 5.9 Azure-Ready OS Image by Mohammad Jalloul

Azure loves Linux. I know this sounds like a cliché… In fact, Microsoft Azure provides several Linux on Azure-Endorsed Distributions . However, for folks moving from an on-premises installation or even one residing in a private cloud setup, there is a...


My MSDN Article: Team Foundation Server and Exchange: Build a Ticketing System Using Exchange and Team Foundation Server by Mohammad Jalloul

The August 2011 issue of MSDN Magazine contains an article that I wrote about how to utilize TFS work items and Exchange Web Services to build a simple ticketing system. The title of the article is: Team Foundation Server and Exchange: Build a Ticketing...


How to Detect Corrupted TFS Work Items by Mohammad Jalloul

One of the problems that you might encounter (but hopefully you will never) when working with the TFS warehouse is the presence of corrupted work items. Why do I mention the TFS warehouse when I am talking about corrupted TFS work items? Corrupted work...
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TFS Request Manager by Mohammad Jalloul

One of the tools I miss the most in the TFS 2010 Power Tools is TFS Server Manager . TFS Server Manager (TfsServerManager.exe) shipped as part of the TFS 2008 Power Tools. Not many people know about it since it is hidden in the TFS 2008 Power Tools installation...
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Examining Parallel LINQ (PLINQ) and the Task Parallel Library (TPL) in .NET 4.0 – Part 1 by Mohammad Jalloul

I haven’t had a chance to play with PLINQ or the TPL prior to .NET 4.0. I started examining it in the Release Candidate. Recently, I’ve spent some time playing with both and evaluating where they make sense to use and where they can be an overkill. I...


The Large Object Heap by Mohammad Jalloul

I did not realize how unfamiliar many .NET developers are with the Large Object Heap (LOH) until we were interviewing a candidate for a dev position recently. He was explaining how .NET garbage collection happens and how allocations are done and the promotions...


[ Reporting ] TFxxxxxx: SQL Server Reporting Services is configured to require a secure connection, however no HTTPS URL is configured with a valid certificate. Use the Reporting Services Configuration Manager to configure or remove HTTPS support by Mohammad Jalloul

This is an interesting error message that you might have seen while configuring TFS 2010 Beta 2 after you’ve installed SQL Server 2008 and have chosen to install and configure reporting services. TFS 2010 deployment is broken down into two steps. In the...


Source Servers and Long Paths by Mohammad Jalloul

Visual Studio has an interesting way of caching source files retrieved from source servers. In fact, it has two different ways of caching source server-served files: .NET Framework source files (Reference Source) Custom source files (source files from...


Evil Practices: Swallowing Exceptions by Mohammad Jalloul

One of the common practices that you might notice in production code – yes, production code – is what is sometimes known as “swallowing exceptions”. Swallowing an exception is the act of providing a catch clause for a certain exception type and then doing...
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Fog Creek Software’s “Make Better Software” Training Series by Mohammad Jalloul

One of the coolest videos I have seen recently has been the trailer for Fog Creek Software ’s new training series titled “ Make Better Software ”. If you did not know (or you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years), Fog Creek Software is Joel...
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Version 1.0.84 of TFS Check-in Validation Tool Released by Mohammad Jalloul

I have released a new version of the buddy build tool to introduce a new little tool called Work Item Explorer. There are no buddy build-related updates or bug fixes in this release. There were also no changes made to the MSBuild Tasks or the Buddy Build...


New Version of the TFS Checkin Validation Tool Released by Mohammad Jalloul

I have released a new version of the TFS Checkin Validation Tool . This new version introduces a bunch of UI changes and enhancements. To download the installation media, visit the following page:


Cash for Clunker PCs by Mohammad Jalloul

Mike Cohn posted an interesting blog entry about . The idea is interesting and funny. Note though that the website was really created by Mike. I am surprised that Apple has not used this in their “I’m a Mac / I’m a PC” ad campaign...
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