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Version 1.0.84 of TFS Check-in Validation Tool Released by Mohammad Jalloul

I have released a new version of the buddy build tool to introduce a new little tool called Work Item Explorer. There are no buddy build-related updates or bug fixes in this release. There were also no changes made to the MSBuild Tasks or the Buddy Build...

New Version of the TFS Checkin Validation Tool Released by Mohammad Jalloul

I have released a new version of the TFS Checkin Validation Tool . This new version introduces a bunch of UI changes and enhancements. To download the installation media, visit the following page:

New Version of the TFS Checkin Validation Tool Released by Mohammad Jalloul

Earlier today, I released a new version of the TFS Checkin Validation Tool (aka Buddy Build Tool). The version addresses a few bugs and introduces a new UI space-saving feature. For more details on the release and to download the installation programs...
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